About Us

The SMART Solution to Credit Card Processing

IQCS is a boutique
merchant services agency

We specialize in helping high volume and B2B merchants navigate the murky waters of credit card processing through superior service, analytics, and a sheer desire to do more.

A Safe Haven for Merchants

IQCS was built around an old idea that fair pricing and exceptional service are what good business is based on. Our founder and president, Oscar Rivera, found success everywhere he carried with him this idea. From telecom to distribution, fenestration manufacturing and finally to merchant services, he brings with him an understanding of how business should be done.

Service Beyond Expectations

Simply put, IQCS agents are empowered to do everything and anything our clients require. This concierge-style approach is meant to combat the core failings of our industry. Starting with analyzing your current relationship and costs, to providing solution recommendations and answering service calls, there’s very little we won’t do.

Answer and Solutions

IQ Consulting Services is a network of industry professionals trained by the major processors with decades of experience. We have strong relationships with banks, processors, ISOs and service providers for insight into all things processing.

A Safe Haven for Merchants

IQCS was built around an old idea that fair pricing and exceptional service are what good business is based on. Our founder and president, Oscar Rivera, found success everywhere he carried with him this idea. From telecom to distribution, fenestration manufacturing and finally to merchant services, he brings with him an understanding of how business should be done.

Service Beyond Expectations

Simply put, IQCS agents are empowered to do everything and anything our clients require. This concierge-style approach is meant to combat the core failings of our industry. Starting with analyzing your current relationship and costs, to providing solution recommendations and answering service calls, there’s very little we won’t do.

Answer and Solutions

IQ Consulting Services is a network of industry professionals trained by the major processors with decades of experience. We have strong relationships with banks, processors, ISOs and service providers for insight into all things processing. There is no product or solution we don’t have access to.
Managed Annual Processing Volume
$ 1

In 2021 We Saved our Clients Over $100,000 in Fees